This policy outlines the objectives of Northborough Youth Soccer Association (NYSA) and defines the process and criteria used to determine team and player placement, including considerations for having a player "play up" into a higher age group.



  1. To place each player on a team best suited for their individual technical, tactical, emotional and social development
  2. For in-town leagues (Grade K-2) field teams that are as balanced as possible
  3. For travel leagues (Grade 3 and above) to place players on like-skilled teams and within the appropriate division in BAYS to ensure similar competition levels.
  4. Assign coaches which foster the culture and mission of NYSA and create an environment where our players can learn, grow, and have fun.



The NYSA Board of Directors (BOD) has final authority over all player placement, rostering, ‘play up’ decisions and team placement recommendations. Our travel league (BAYS) makes the final team placement determination.

For travel teams, NYSA  teams play in the Boston Area Youth Soccer League (BAYS). This is a more competitive soccer environment where teams are placed in divisions (e.g. 1-5) and sections (e.g. A-L) based on skill and play against like-skilled town teams. We often need to submit our teams to the league long before our player registration has closed, as a result NYSA often does not have a clear picture of what players will be on what team at the time we place teams in our league.

Consideration will be given to the following information, as available, during our team placement process:

  • NYSA team results for prior season(s)
  • Typical number of registered players for prior seasons
  • Initial registration numbers for the current season
  • Returning players
  • Roster size needs (min and max)
  • Coaches direct feedback
  • Fall or Spring – MTOC eligibility for some Division 1 and 2 teams.

The team placement process begins with a recommendation by the NYSA Vice President which is followed by a discussion with a sub-committee consisting of the President, Vice President & Upper Registrar to make a final recommendation.   The sub-committee will ask for input from the previous season and/or planned coaches of that age group if known.  NYSA has final authority over team placements and may make changes based on the broader league needs after we have made our recommendations.



The NYSA Board of Directors (BOD) has final authority over all player placements.

Grade K-2:

The goal of our in-town leagues is to field teams that are as balanced as possible.  The Lower Registrar will try to give as much time for new registrations to be processed before finalizing teams and rosters. Once registration has closed, the Lower Registrar will determine the ideal number of teams based on roster sizes and coach availability.

Consideration will be given to the following information, as available, during our in-town player placement process:

  • If Co-Ed, a balance of genders
  • Player’s evaluations, if available
  • A blend of players from each school

The Lower Registrar will build rosters based on the available information but do reserve the right to make player team adjustments up to week three if a team does not look balanced.

Travel Leagues (BAYS):

For travel leagues (Grade 3 and above) the goal of NYSA is to field the most competitive teams possible and place them in appropriate BAYS division & section within the age group.


Details around the evaluations process can be found at Player Evaluation Info.

Consideration will be given to the following information, as available, during our player placement process:

  • NYSA annual player evaluation event results.
  • Player physical attributes (size, age, relative to peers) and emotional intelligence.
  • Individual player evaluation, if requested by the BOD.
  • Other sources requested or initiated by the BOD.



The NYSA Board of Directors (BOD) has final authority over all coach assignments.

Once player rosters are drafted, coach assignments can be finalized.  Coach selection will first come from the volunteers available from the players on the team and in cases where no volunteers are available, we may pull from other teams or volunteers.

Coaches that are interested must first utilize the TeamSnap registration process to indicate if they are interested in being a head coach or assistant coach.  All coaches must submit an application that includes their qualifications and some additional information. The application deadline is TBA  and the application and selection information can be found under the Coach Application tab on the NYSA web site.



NYSA supports the playing up policies as outlined by higher authority organizations such as Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association Section 2.10, and Bays Playing Up Policy.

What is ‘playing up?

A player is "playing up" when he or she is participating on a team in an age group above the one in which he or she would normally be placed according to league rules.  This also includes girls playing on a boys team in their correct age group for non-coed leagues.

Play Up Requests and Decisions

Play up requests may be initiated by age group/league coordinators or by a player's parents/legal guardian and presented to the NYSA Board of Directors in written or electronic form.  All play up decisions are made by the Board Of Directors following the criteria outlined in this policy.

Play up criteria:

NYSA supports a player to play up if he/she:

  • The default position is for all players to play in their regular assigned age groups which supports the organization's objectives defined above
  • A decision for a player to play up must be agreed upon by the player's parent(s)/legal guardian(s)
  • A player may be asked to play up, or a play up request granted, in situations where there are not enough players (or coaches) at the older age group to field a complete roster.  According to BAYS Match Rule 2 - Rosters Section A.4, dual rostering is not allowed.
  •  A move-up request may be granted if, in the opinion of the BOD, placement within the player’s natural age-group is not most appropriate for his/her continued development.
  • A move-up request may be granted if, in the opinion of the BOD, placement in the player’s natural age-group would be disruptive to the competitive balance of the age-group.
  • A play up request may only be granted if, in the opinion of the BOD, the player's evaluation data, defined above, indicates that the player has the skill, physical attributes and emotional intelligence to constructively contribute to team practices and compete with players in the older age group.

Move-Up Process:

The player move-up process follows a three-step process to ensure the right amount of rigor, impartiality and consideration is given to every player and their team placement.

The procedure for a request is as follows:

    1. A written/e-mail request from the parents/legal guardian listed on the registration form through the Lower (current Grade K-2) or Upper Registrar (current Grade 3-8) to the Player Placement Sub-Committee.
    2. The request must include players name, age, birth date, grade in school and past playing experience including number of seasons played.
    3. The specific reasons as to the request. Please do not include other information that is hearsay or letter of recommendation from other coaches, parents, former board members, etc. This is a request between the parents and NYSA.
    4. Once a decision has been made the parent/legal guardian will be informed.